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Chemical Bonding

Developing models and understanding the nature of chemical bonds 

Kohn-Sham molecular orbital theory

Energy decomposition analysis​

Voronoi deformation density

Revealing causal relationships between energies, molecular geometries, and other properties

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Intermolecular Interactions

Understanding the nature of intermolecular interactions

Intermolecular covalent interactions

The exact electrostatic interactions

Steric effects

Cooperativity in supramolecular systems


Chemical Reactivity & Catalysis

Applying our models to understand chemical reactivity

Activation strain model

Explain barrier heights

Show reaction mechanisms

Understand elementary reactions

Design catalysts

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Software Development

Developing novel software & facilitate extensive analyses





Aromaticity & Hypervalence

Investigation of special bonding motifs, revising textbook explanations

Bond length equalization

Electron delocalization

Violating the octet rule

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DNA Stability

Revealing the many faces of DNA stability through quantum-chemical computations

DNA replication

DNA Quadruplexes

GC and AT base-pairs

Photon Harvesting & Emission

Properties of organic dye molecules

Design functional UV/vis dyes

Tuning absorption properties

Tuning transition energies and oscillator strength

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